How to Earn Money Online by Adsterra

How to Earn Money Online by Adsterra

In today's digital age, making money online has become increasingly accessible and lucrative. One of the most popular methods for website owners and online content creators to monetize their platforms is through advertising networks like Adsterra. In this article, we'll explore how you can leverage Adsterra to generate revenue from your online endeavors.

Introduction to Adsterra

Adsterra is a leading global advertising network that connects publishers with advertisers, facilitating the monetization of online traffic. With a wide range of ad formats and targeting options, Adsterra offers publishers the opportunity to maximize their earnings through various monetization strategies.

Understanding Adsterra's Monetization Options

Adsterra provides publishers with several monetization models to choose from, depending on their preferences and audience demographics.

Direct Ad Sales

One of the most straightforward ways to earn money with Adsterra is through direct ad sales. This involves negotiating directly with advertisers to sell ad space on your website at a fixed rate.

CPA (Cost Per Action) Model

The CPA model pays publishers based on specific actions taken by their audience, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

CPM (Cost Per Mille) Model

The CPM model pays publishers a fixed rate for every 1,000 ad impressions served on their website, regardless of whether or not the audience takes any further action.

CPC (Cost Per Click) Model

In the CPC model, publishers earn money each time a visitor clicks on an ad displayed on their website, with the earnings determined by the advertiser's bid and the ad's relevance to the audience.

Setting Up an Account with Adsterra

Getting started with Adsterra is a straightforward process. Simply visit their website and complete the registration form. Once your account is approved, you can start integrating ads into your website and earning revenue.

Choosing the Right Ad Formats

Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats to suit different types of websites and audience preferences.

Display Banners

Display banners are one of the most common ad formats, consisting of static or animated images that are displayed prominently on the website.


Pop-unders are ads that appear in a new browser window behind the main browser window, ensuring maximum visibility without interrupting the user's browsing experience.

Direct Links

Direct links are text-based ads that blend seamlessly into the content of the website, providing a non-intrusive way to monetize traffic.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are alerts that appear on the user's desktop or mobile device, offering advertisers a highly engaging way to reach their target audience.

Integrating Ads on Your Website

Once you've chosen the right ad formats for your website, it's time to integrate them into your site's layout.

Monitoring and Optimizing Performance

To maximize your earnings with Adsterra, it's essential to monitor your ad performance regularly and make adjustments as needed.

Maximizing Earnings with Adsterra

By scaling up your website traffic and diversifying your content to attract a broader audience, you can maximize your earnings with Adsterra over time.


In conclusion, Adsterra offers website owners and online content creators a powerful platform for monetizing their online traffic. By understanding the various monetization options available, optimizing ad placement, and continually monitoring performance, you can effectively earn money online with Adsterra.


  1. 1. How long does it take to get approved as a publisher on Adsterra?
  2. 2. Can I use Adsterra alongside other advertising networks?
  3. 3. What are the payment methods supported by Adsterra?
  4. 4. Is there a minimum traffic requirement to join Adsterra?
  5. 5. Does Adsterra offer customer support for publishers?

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