Exclusive: Red State AGs Fight Against Chinese Super Bowl Ads

Exclusive: Red State AGs Fight Against Chinese Super Bowl Ads

A Coalition's Call to Action: Urging CBS to Block Super Bowl Ads from Temu

In a bid to address growing concerns regarding forced labor and alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a coalition of attorneys general is pressuring Paramount Global and CBS to refrain from airing Super Bowl advertisements by Temu, a Chinese company. This exclusive letter obtained by the Daily Caller highlights the collective effort of Attorney General of Montana Austin Knudsen and five other state attorneys general in urging media cooperation to boycott Temu's ads during CBS's Super Bowl broadcast on Feb. 11.

The Concerns Raised by Attorneys General

Citing reports from the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, the attorneys general express apprehension regarding Temu's lack of compliance with the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. The letter underscores the gravity of the situation, asserting that Temu is purportedly profiting from forced labor in regions where the CCP is accused of genocide.

Background on Temu and Allegations of Forced Labor

Temu, identified as the subject of scrutiny, is accused of producing goods through forced labor practices, raising ethical and legal concerns. The attorneys general argue that CBS should refrain from promoting a company allegedly associated with human rights violations and genocide, particularly during a high-profile event like the Super Bowl.

Urgent Plea to CBS

The letter to CBS serves as a direct appeal to the network's moral and corporate responsibility. It emphasizes the necessity for CBS to refrain from broadcasting commercials that could potentially endorse unethical practices, urging the network to prioritize human rights over financial gains.

Support from Members of Congress and Past Precedents

Highlighting bipartisan support, the attorneys general underscore the backing received from members of Congress in their efforts to address the issue. They draw attention to previous instances where CBS rejected less controversial ads, demonstrating the network's capacity to exercise discretion in its advertising policies.

Significance of Super Bowl Ad Space

Amidst the fervor surrounding the Super Bowl, the value of advertisement space cannot be understated. With millions of viewers tuning in annually, companies vie for the opportunity to showcase their products or services. However, the attorneys general argue that this coveted platform should not be used to promote entities allegedly engaged in human rights abuses.

Historical Significance and Patriotism of the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl holds a special place in American culture, often serving as a platform for moments of national unity and patriotism. From celebratory gestures honoring returning hostages to iconic renditions of the national anthem, the Super Bowl embodies the spirit of American resilience and solidarity.

Conclusion: A Call for Action

In conclusion, the attorneys general reiterate their plea for CBS to uphold ethical standards by refraining from airing Temu's commercials. They emphasize the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions, especially in light of allegations concerning forced labor and ties to the CCP.


  1. Q: Why are the attorneys general urging CBS to block Temu's Super Bowl ads? A: The attorneys general believe that Temu is profiting from forced labor and alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party, raising ethical concerns.

  2. Q: Has Temu responded to these allegations? A: As of now, there has been no public response from Temu regarding the allegations raised by the attorneys general.

  3. Q: What actions can viewers take to support the attorneys general's efforts? A: Viewers can raise awareness about the issue on social media and voice their concerns to CBS regarding the airing of Temu's commercials during the Super Bowl.

  4. Q: Are there any legal implications for CBS if they choose to air Temu's ads? A: While there may not be immediate legal ramifications, CBS could face backlash from consumers and advocacy groups for promoting a company accused of human rights abuses.

  5. Q: What other companies have faced similar scrutiny in the past? A: Several companies have come under fire for alleged human rights violations, including allegations of forced labor and environmental exploitation in their supply chains.

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